Be You!!
How many times did someone called me "weird" "strange" "odd" or "different" when I was a child, a teenager, a young aduclt, and basically my whole life? I can tell you many, and I guess, I started to believe that for a while, but it had a negative connotation, unlike a few years back, when I realized that being all of those adjectives, was actually a great thing and then I embraced my "weirness" with great love and affection, up until this day!!
Life would be so boring if we were all the same and sometimes, it seems as if to be able to “fit in” we need to be and do as everyone else, and then we may feel we do not fit in, when we try to “act” like someone we are not, just to please someone, however, there is nothing more powerful than being yourself, unique to the core. Someone that is very different than everyone else.
It is such a relief when I encounter someone unique, real and someone that I know is different than the rest and someone that is not trying to fit in but actually someone that is actually finding themselves, accepting and loving that self. It is refreshing to know that there are people with unique points of view and unique perspective in life, not afraid to express themselves, and secure about what they are all about and about their opinions and they do not feel they have to apologize for being the kind of person they are.
And I say to you, people of all ages and people of all walks of life. Be you and honor you and love yourself for what you are, someone so unique, so special and so powerful, unlike anyone ever created. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT OTHERS THINKS YOU SHOULD BE OR THE TYPE OF LIFE YOU SHOULD BE LIVING, LIVE YOUR OWN AND UNDER YOUR OWN TERMS. DO NOT LIVE UP TO OTHER PEOPLE'S EXPECTATIONS, SPECIALLY IF THOSE PEOPLE ARE STRANGERS!!
Let your voice be heard and yourself be seeing, to inspire many to do the same, especially when you and them feel somewhat “odd” and “different” and strange” as you or other people may have placed that label on you.
The most powerful and beautiful musical compositions and artistic creations of our present time are mostly due to the variety of diverse artists, from all over the world.
People with unique talents and with different backgrounds and experiences, that share their unique insights and bring us joy in the form of writing amazing songs, interpreting beautiful melodies with extraordinary voices, and making us happy when we hear the sound of music being played by very skilled hands. Beautiful pieces of art are created every day for us to glance at and to enjoy.
It does not matter the industry, the more “unique” and “different” the contributions, the better the product or the service.
Being yourself is what allows the universe to continue its course and being yourself is what allows all human kind to be happy, as we do not want to be something we are not and to be sad just at the mere thought that we are being “forced” to act an behave a certain way that does not align with our own values.
You and I, we got to be ourselves, always, no matter what people may say around us and as long as we are not deliberately, physically, mentally and emotionally hurting others with our choices.
We need to do the things that bring fulfillment to our lives and we need to be honest with ourselves and we need to get to know ourselves, to understand what we are all about and why it is so important to be us.
I could spend a lot of hours writing on the subject, however, I think this little insight is good enough to give you an idea of why being yourself is important.
I hope that you know that and I hope you continue to be you!! ALWAYS!! :)
-La Niña Internacional-