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The Power of Dancing!!

  Besides keeping you fit and in great shape, dancing gives you a lot of other great benefits such as mental clarity, focus and the chance to be yourself by moving your whole body to the vibration of music and if you like the music you hear, then your mind and body will naturally be inclined to mimic the vibrating sounds your body feels. If you feel down, dance can help you change your mood really quick and if you cannot sleep at night, you can try a bit of really fast dancing and within 15 minutes, you will be exhausted and ready to sleep all night long. There are many “open space” offices out there these days, and many people working at computer desks, standing all day long, and I hope you have music playing all day long at your places of employment so you can get to move your body while you work. It is good for the spirit, the mind and the body. I recently worked temporarily at two locations, a warehouse and an office where they played music almost all day and all night long. And ev

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