People Following me Around...

I whish after so long my entry would have been a different one, whoever, I always speak from the heart and the truth so here it is: On August 15, 2024, my daughter and I went to the Great Salt Lake, specifically, we went by the entrance of Saltair. 

As always during suncet, there were many people visiting, including Professional Photographers, Social Media Influencers, Bloggers like me and many others, with different interests, reasons, motives, and intentions.

We had visited before, however, this time, I was trying a one piece swimingsuit, which I bought and which I still need to do a review on.

We had taken a few photos and a dancing video, when we noticed two men walking in the far, towards us, in the sand, and as they approached, I stopped posing for my daughter, stop dancing and just stood there.

The two men had the audacity to come where we were, sat very close to us and "continue" to either record me or take photos of me. It made me feel very uncomfortable and my daughter inmediatly told those men to go away and they stood there, until my daughter and I told them firmly, we would call the police.

The two men had dark complexions, dark hair, and one of then was wearing a turban hat, and my daughter commented that maybe, they were not understanding us at first, but of course, as soon as we mentioned the word police, then they seemed not to have a problem understanding our request to leave us alone.

There were many people around us, and walking by, coming into the lake and leaving, however, everybody was keeping a normal distance and nobody got into our faces, like those two men.

After the men left, we continued with the photoshoot and waited until everybody was leaving, to do it with them, and we noticed the two men were still seating by the trail everybody was walking by, with their cameras in hand, so we proceeded with caution, specially when we left the parking lot.

That was the first time I noticed someone following us around and up until that time, I never felt uncomfortable when I was doing my dancing videos alone in public parks and in landmarks. Up until that point and even after, the parks and places I visited were always surrounded with a lot of people or if little people in it, there were 2 or 3 other people besides me, taking photos or getting an outdoor venue ready for a wedding celebration or event.

In September it happened again 2 times and I didn't even noticed it until I saw some men in the parking lot of a parked car, apparently talking among themselves, so I didn't think anything of it, until I was at the park, trying to find an empty spot to take my dancing videos (The flapper girl) and there was a fat, scruffy guy following me around and then again to my car, from the distance. (I took a good photo and video of the individual for reference)

As many of you know, I have been posting dancing videos in Instagram, and TikTok for a while, and many other lives and videos on Instagram where I share glimpses of my healthy life style, nutition, excercise, my art, photography and where I share everything positive, uplifting and inspirational.

I thought it was add that some people were saving and sharing someo of the material I was posting and I wonder out loud if they use that to create a fake Social Media account or worse.

I had my website for over 8 years and links to all my Social Media accounts from there, because what I promote is staying young by living a life where body movement, healthy eating and mental health are the keys to remain young and happy.

I made all of my costumes and accessories and I dress up often, to create dancing videos and short performance videos, specially around the holidays and special celebrations such as Halloween. Again, everthing that I do artistically, is to inspire others, people of all ages, to create, to live and to feel alive, happy and to have hope and faith, to laugh, to celebrate life and not to remain iddle. To get up and move their bodies, specially by dancing. 

For a while I almost forgot about those werid people and I put my attention to the dancing and to create more artistic concepts and more professional dancing videos and then, it started to happen again, and this time, where I have lived for over 6 years now. (Over the Summer many people moved into the apartment complex, many extrange people indeed and many people that all they do during the day is smoke and seat around the walk way, or go around and circles, up and down, around the apartment complex, with nothing better to do)

I started noticing many people were in their cars that were parked either next to mine or in front of it on the parking lot, or simply came out of nowhere, at the precisely time I came home and then went to their buildings. I also noticed they were doing that as soon as I left my aprtment building, as if they were watching me.

And I finally confronted one of them and he said he didn't know what I was taking about and he even said "What would I waste my time on you?" (And right there I thought to myself, yeah, he may have been spaying on some other girls younger than me that live in that apartment as well...) I simply told him "Do not mess with me" letting him know to stop followiong me around.

Every time I would get up I could hear the person above me, in my apartment, also walking in the direction I would go and all of these has persisted until today, and I honestly think many if not the majority of the people living in my apartment complex are now also following me around. Coincidently, whenever I go out to walk my 2 doggies, there is a lot of people also walking their dogs, when I do not see all of those people, at the same time, other times, walking their dogs.

I have caught several people on video, watching my apartment complex and wonder why they are doing that and I had to place a big sign that tells them I know they are watching me and they need to stop, otherwise I will record them.

I also have been watching a few men coming by the corner of my apartment building, outside and just starting at it and I have a solid description of all of them. There are many people with blutooth devises attached to their ears, looking at my window, while talking to someone. (Men and women)

There is an unknown bluetooth network that just showed up a few days ago, and it is kept open, most likely used so inocent victims will sign into it. Just a few days ago, they try to hack into my work computer and I notified my employer. (I think because they see me staying at home, they think I don't do anything like them, when I actually hold 2 jobs at the same time, and when I have done that for a while. now) The unknow network was never found in any of my work computers until now, so coinsidently this is all happening all at once.

Just a few weeks ago, someone tried to hack into my email from Saint George, and a What's up call with one of my relatives was intercepted just a few days ago as well.

I notified the police about this and I am sharing this here, because it is important people that care about me, know what is going on and that my welfare has been greatly affected, because I do not feel safe here anymore. The apartment managers told me I cannot seell my lease and even if I moved out, I will need to continue paying the full monthly rent to them until October of next year.

The first police officer I talked to about what was going on, told me that I basically exposed myself to this and that many digital creators stop sharing on Social Media because of what I reported to the police. I told her, as an artist, we have the right to express and share our artistry with the world and she recomeneded that if I continue sharing my art, I do it in private.

Harrasment needs to be notify to those that can stop it and as women, we cannot be told we "put ourselves" in a position, where people think they can harrass us. I and you and everybody has the right to have a Social Media presence and we all have the right to express ourselves artistically if we desire, without worrying about our safety. Besides, all content I create is for the genera public to see.

When I spoke to that femele police officer, it was around the time, I made my Social Media accounts private and removed many fake followers and shady followers, specially the ones without a photo and I also stopped following others.I posted an announcemnet on Instagram and I also notified some people in Instagram, however, I will make a live soon, giving more details on what is going on.

Prior to that, I had already reported a few other things to the police that also told me I should start thinking about not poting anymore on Social Media, or to just do not have any Social Media accounts whatsoever. 

I have not posted anything and no dancing videos since October 4th, when I used to do it almost every day and I feel deprived, sad, unhappy, frustrated and just to think I have to live like this for another year, is beyond me!! This needs to stop and pretty soon and the police must do something about it.

I want to reach as many people as possible and I do not like the idea of having private Social Media accounts, because, if I decided to share in the Internet, it is opently since I do not have abything to hide and the content I create is for everybody and it is family oriented.

I am reaching out to all of you that are close to me and the ones that understand how what I am going through can affect other artists. I am not afraid of any of those people, and I can go out and use my creativity and I may do that one of these days, but I am just not in the mood. This has trully affected me because this has been an invasion to my privacy.

One thing is me sharing my art willingly and opently with others and another thing is to have strangers, people that feel they are entitled to invade my space just because.

After I posted the big sign on my valcony, someone also posted a very samll sign telling me I was being "paranoid" and that I had started all of this and that they will be the ones to have me under survillance, and it is interesting that my sign was not refering to that apartment at all, as there are several apartment units facing my valcony, and yet, by those people replaying they actually solidified my thoughts that several people are involved in the spying, and there are others and not me being "paranoid" because I didn't use that word and they did. 

And one last thought. You cannot let others, anyone intimidate you, control you, abused you, manipulate you and make you be silence. You need to speak up, fight back and let others know they cannot control you and you have your freedom.

It does not matter whom they think they are. The abuse needs to stop and you need to let others know if you are the victim of any type of crime. If you suspect someone or some people is or are behind anything that is happening to you, then you need to stop that person or those people from hurting others because it is not right, and you need to report them.

My calls to 911 seemed to have been intercepted as well and they take too long to repond, and the Whatsup call that was intercepted did happened and I know why.

I also want to let everybody about the following:

Interfering with a 911 call It is a felony to stop someone from calling 911, even if the intent is to de-escalate the situation. This includes interfering with any electronic or digital communication, such as an email or text.

Intercepting electronic communications

It is illegal to intentionally intercept, disclose, or use any wire, oral, or electronic communication without the consent of at least one party.


A well-designed tap on a phone wire can be difficult to detect. Law enforcement may be able to access a mobile phone's internal microphone even when it's not being used on a call.

Some signs that your phone may be tapped include:

Clicking sounds


Mumbling, distant, and faint voices

For now this is all I got tonight. I am posting this on Facebook as well and I am letting people on Instagram about it.

I am so distraught over this and the mental anguish I feel is so great, the level of anxiety has sky rocketed, and the stress I feel, just thinking about going outside, when all I look forward to is exactly that, going outside to enjoy the beautiful weather, is sometimes just too much to bear, specially when other people feel so entitled to do whatever they want and I was forced to stop living my regular creative life. (For over 4 years now, I used to enjoy long walks with my 2 doggies and suddently I just go outside, for maybe 5 minutes, around my apartment building and back)  

I hope to share my most recent art performance soon!! Take care and take all necessary precations to stay safe!!

-La Niña Internacional-

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