We have goals so we make plans and sometimes those plans change, and we never accomplish those goals of ours, or maybe some of those goals will be accomplished later.
In my opinion, it is always nice to make plans and to have goals, because it allows us to work hard at completing those goals by creating a plan to achieve them, however, I also know how important it is to go with the flow of things and to be open minded to the possibility that things and situations change and to understand and accept we don’t control everything in life.
Sometimes when plan A does not work, and we may think of a plan B or C and even D, and they do not work either, we may feel discourage and we may lose our enthusiasm, creativity and resilience, however, it is important to believe things happen for a reason, we may not understand, at the time they happened, but they do, and what we can do is learn to embrace those situations and to believe something better will happen later.
And isn’t interesting that sometimes, it seems as if we start the day very badly and then everything goes bad that day, one bad thing after another and we cannot believe we are so unlucky and so many terrible things can happen to us and all at the same time.
And yet, have you ever noticed the days when everything goes wonderfully from the moment you wake up and you open your eyes?
Your paycheck is bigger than what you expected. You pay your bills and there is a lot of money left over. Everybody smiles at you and many people, even strangers, do very nice things for you. You even receive unexpected money and from morning to dusk this goes on and on and you feel very lucky and fortunate.
Every single “bad” situation that happened in 2020 turned out to be a very great blessing for me and for my family in 2021, and every “challenging” one in 2021, a great lesson and an amazing blessing in 2022. And from then on, every year has gotten even better, because instead of plans and goals and expectations, I know live the present and I now go with the flow of things.
2021 brought so many wonderful changes in my life, unexpected changes that I embraced and that I was open and willing to make, and changes that took over 3 “very long” years to assimilate, to accept and to change once again, and changes that taught me so many lessons, including patience and resilience.
And then 2022 came and if 2021 was amazing, then 2022 was super spectacular, with many “ups” and “downs” and yet, with so many moments of happiness, blessings, faith, and gratitude for all the past experiences, not only in the previous year but in my life.
2022 was the year I discovered I could become more brave, more resilient and more grateful than I have ever been in my life. 2022 was the year where I developed more endurance and the year my faith and gratitude were tested.
Indeed, 2022 was the best year of my life, ever, or I thought, just like I always think those super amazing years are, except that 2023 was just around the corner and when it came, it took me with it on a wonderful journey where I took chances and I trusted many people, including myself, to accomplish truly amazing projects and where I never doubted the capabilities of those other people, or mine, and where I already knew the great outcome, even before it was completed.
And 2023 will be one of the best years of my life, for this is the year where many of the most important decisions of my life were made and where I met wonderful, truly amazing people that taught me so many wonderful lessons in life and for life.
And here we are, 2024, a very equally important and special year for me, where so far, I have already received so many blessings and where I cannot count anything negative at all, anything. So once again, this may be the best year ever!!
So far, this has been a wonderful, amazing year for me, where I go with the flow of things, including time, here and now, and people, the ones that come and go to teach me a lesson and I appreciate and love every one of them truly. Yes, some times it is extremly hard to let go, but you must, for even greater things to come into your life.
And I know 2024 continues to be a great, amazing year, and of that I am 100% sure. I have my plans, my goals and my wishes and my dreams and they are already here, and for that I am immensely grateful.
May you also have the most amazing and wonderful year, 2024 and every year and may you be able to appreciate the “good” and the “bad” that comes into your life.
Everything that happens in your life is there not only to teach you a lesson but to test your courage and your resilience, your faith and your patience, but most importantly it is meant to test how grateful you are with everything you are given now, even with what you think is bad and you didn’t ask for, to prepare you to receive only the greater things you want in your life, pretty soon.
-La Niña Internacional-