Nurturing Your Soul Mind and Body !!

Besides spending time alone with ourselves to meditate, relax and ponder, reading good books and watching everything inspirational, one of the most important things we can do is to nurture our bodies with fresh and clean food.

And if the food is raw and/or minimally cooked, then even better. If we cook food too much, we lose the natural crunchiness of some vegetables and the fiber, which is necessary to digest our meals better.

I love to buy fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains, in a variety of colors and hues. (I can’t avoid the “artist” me and I want what I eat to be very colorful and to look like a painting, however, most of the time, my plate will look very green, as I prefer many vegetables and fruits that are green.

Whenever I can I visit international stores, with a Latin store being my favorite or anywhere where I can find a vast and great variety of fresh fruits and vegetables from all over the world.

I eat very little red meat and when I have my protein that consists mainly of eggs and chicken, I finely chop a variety of green fruits and vegetables and I mix it with my protein, sea salt, black pepper, curcumin powder, and olive or flax seed oil. (That it is, very simple, very clean and almost every day)

Some days my plate looks more orange and some days mor yellow and some others purple, or green or pink and all is due to some of the natural occurring colors of the species I use such as chili powder or the beautiful beat juice.

Sometimes my meal will have an exotic taste such as coconut and a mix of ginger, and sometimes, there will be a bit of a sweet bitterness to eat, to make my meals more interesting every day, so I do not get bored.

I run in an empty stomach when I run in the days off from work, otherwise, I only run 4 hours after my most recent meal and eating the way I eat, I do not feel heavy or uncomfortable and I do not take the rest of having to stop in the middle of my run, to visit the restroom.

When I nurture my body this way, it is easy to digest the food and it is easy to maintain my weight. And most importantly, it is easy on my pocket to eat this way. I know exactly my portion size and my groceries last for a while and I only buy what I need and the amount I need.

Unlike boxed and packaged food/meals, I know exactly what ingredients I am added to my meals, the amount and I do not risk eating a meal that may have expired.

I only drink water with my meals and just enough while I am eating, to get the food down, but not too much to water my meal too much (I honestly think the body knows when to send those juices down and the amount needed, so they can do the job, so I do not want to interfere with that)

I drink a lot of water during the day and about 45 minutes after I eat a meal, so I am well hydrated.
I drink 2% milk, at least 2, 8-ounce glasses every day with ½ an apple and that keeps me satisfy until the next meal. (Sometimes I may have a glass of milk and a bunch of nuts, or seeds with it.

I am only 5’2 and I cannot eat very large meals, but I eat often, at least 2 to 3 times a day, and only when my body asks me for food and that usually happens right after, on the days I run or do some free weights.

Because I work from home and I hardly do any movements while at work, I do not need a lot of food and I usually do not eat anything until 12 noon and my last meal of the day is before 6 pm and usually by 2 PM, I am done eating, because on the days I work, I run in the late afternoon, or evenings and as I said before, I run better on an empty stomach.

So, in a nutshell, this is how I nurture my little body. Very simple but very efficient, and I do not spend a lot of money, except maybe on nuts and grains.

I strongly believe good nutrition contributes to great skin and to a good mood. I feel better when I do the clean eating, and especially combine with exercise and sleeping a lot like a baby and even taking siestas in the middle day. (I also call them “Power Naps” and I think that is more appropriate because after taking them, I feel more powerful.

I hope you find this helpful in your own nurturing and I hope you all are having an excellent Mother’s Day surrounded by the ones you love.

-La Niña Internacional-

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