We May Know Everything and yet, We Do not Know Nothing


I am not a "professional" expert on anything, not even my craft, and I do not hold a "university" degree on Phycology, nor Sociology, Fitness, Family Therapy, Investment, or Money Management, however, I have learned a few things here in there, through personal experiences. and also, I use a lot of common sense and I learn from other people's mistakes and especially I learned through my own mistakes and I continue learning everyday because I am very curious.

What I share on social media are things that can be beneficial even to myself and to others, as I am inspired every single day, by many people as well and I have learned so many wonderful things I have applied into my life that have worked for me and may work for others that are seeking that knowledge.

I do not post to get likes or followers, or to "influence" anyone, because everybody has the right to make their own decisions when it comes to their own beliefs and values and what they find "valuable" or "acceptable" or "important" or "relevant" 

I do appreciate people that view my content and share it and I appreciate the followers and their comments and likes, when they do it, because it means what I have posted was useful somehow, for those people.

I exercise that freedom every day when it comes to whom I follow on social media, from "influential and very powerful people from all industries and trays to family members, relatives, friends or neighbors, and when I have time, I take time for at least 30 minutes, to glance at their social media pages and support those businesses and people that need my support in the form of a like or a comment, to expand that business, however, I am not liking everything they post, just because and I have the right to do that.

Many things I posted years ago in many Social Media sites, still inspiring me today. I can see the changes, the trials, the challenges, the small and biggest successes and the many goals accomplished. I can see where I was for example a year ago, compared to this year on this month and it is amazing the wisdom and the knowledge I gained in one year, or the challenge I was able to overcome and how I did it and how it feels now compared to then.

I know I am a very spiritual person, and I have been since I was a little girl and I can say, I have been very in touch with my inner-self from a long time and I could say this is an area of my life that I "master" however, it amazes me the amount of new knowledge I acquire every day and the many things yet to discover, so I am far from being a master.

And when it comes to other important areas of life such as finances, relationships, love, investing, marriage, and so many more, I still need to learn a lot, so there. You can tell, I am not an expert, nor the ones that say they are, believe me.

We are all humans, and we all make mistakes, and it is part of the process and totally normal. And it is also normal to acquire knowledge to grow and to expand, and we all need to learn more and more every day.

The following part is written with respect and not to pass judgement on anyone, but to illustrate the title of my post and I hope people get the point I want to make.

A few years back there was a story that made the news headlines, and it was about a very well-known "Professional Marriage and Family Therapist and Counselor" that took his own life. What was very impactful at the time, for me, is that the portrayal of this person, in all Social Media sites and in his website, was of a very powerful, wealthy and loving family man, with the individual always posing at the center of the photos, smiling very wide and confidently to the camera.

Even a few days before the incident happened, there was one of those pictures posted on Facebook, and even a TV interview where the person "seemed" so in control and seemed to have it all: money, success, love and happiness, with a "perfect" family.

That day, when I saw the news and followed the story, I understood many things, and I didn't have to have a "professional" degree to know it. "We May Know Everything and yet, We Do not Know Nothing" And that knowledge brough about humility to me, and made me more humble. I remembered just looking up and just pondering about my own thoughts and about my own life and the life I was living then, and I could not help it to compare it, my life and that of that man.

And both lives were completely the opposite and completely different and yet, one person could not handle theirs and yet, I was still alive and "fighting" to stay afloat. And moments of insight, like this one and more, are what keeps me sharing and writing about life and about circumstances and about events that have shaped my life and the lives of many, in many ways.

And there is so much more that I have not shared with you yet, and there is so much more to share in the future, until I am not able to do so anymore. So much that I need to learn from others, and so much of that knowledge that I need to apply in my life, and so much more others need to learn from me, and yet, so little time sometimes. (We must make it though)

Sometimes we may think we have life all figured out just because we are older and that younger people do not know anything about life, but that is a wrong assertion. Wrinkles and white hair do not mean “wisdom” and very soft skin and lush, dark hair, is not synonymous of youth. (Ponder this last one and come to your own conclusions)

We may spend years upon years educating ourselves in our trade and years upon years teaching others what we must absorb, learn and apply into our own lives first. To become any type of “expert” to be credible, we need to do what we preach, and we need to take care of ourselves, in all areas of our lives, before we can expect someone else to be experts of their own. (Most often the teacher learn from the student, great lessons in life) 

I am an artist and I have a lot of “experience” in many fields of artistic expression, however, that does not make me an “expert” in art. There are many “professional” athletes out there with many techniques of their own and I am sure they can get better at something else that would enhance the technique they use.

The point is, we can always learn more than we know now, and we can always share that knowledge with others, and when we desperately need to learn and to know something, and someone shares that knowledge with us, that is so powerful and beautiful, we need more of it.

I always look forward to a new day, to a new beginning, where I can be inspired and when I learn new concepts and new ideas, and when I share wonderful and beautiful things with you. When I meet someone new that touches my soul in such a way, I know there is a powerful meaning behind that encounter. And I hope that I only write things that can benefit people and that make people ponder and believe in themselves and their potential.

And before I go, I want to tell you about a compliment someone paid me the other day. As I had just pulled into my apartment, I noticed one of my neighbors, an old gentleman, smoking by the sidewalk. (His back facing me) I said "Hi" and then he turned and said: "Finally, the sun is shining!!" I just smiled and said "Thank you" as I was in a hurry to get into my apartment. That was such a cute compliment I should now use to make other people's day, and maybe you can start using it too!!

Thank you neighbor and may you all have a great day!!

-La Niña Internacional-

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