Healthy Life Style: One of the Secrets of Longevity!!

There are no secrets but choices and life styles, priorities and decisions we take every day about what is important or not so important on how we view and approach living life. 

To me and for me, there are things that are crucial, and have been since I was a tennager and I started to become aware of my body and its needs and what my little machine could do for me and how I could treat that machine to work for me. 

Here I am, over 5 decades later, since I came to this world, and honestly, every day and every birthday year, I feel younger, with more energy, enthusiasm, curiosity, energy and creativity. (Just like a child)

Below are a few things I want to share with you today, because these things definetely keep me young and I know that the younger you start to implement these things into your own life, you can to, one day, enjoy what I am enjoying now: Youth inside and out!!


I spend a lot of time outdoors with nature and the animals. I meditate every day, and I laugh and smile often. I keep my thoughts positive, and I am grateful and at peace within. I take cold showers to wake up and be alert in the mornings and very warm showers to relax, distress, and have a good night sleep. I sleep a lot, and I go to bed early to get up early. I avoid stress, worry and drama, and I truly love everybody.

Body Movement

I am always in constant movement, even when sitting. I dance every day to different rhythms and sounds. I run and sprint at least 2 days a week, and I am constantly carrying around heavy loads to keep my muscles strong and flexible. I stretch my limbs frequently. I try to do cartwheels every day.


I eat a variety of mainly raw, slightly cooked, sprouted and fermented, clean foods that nourishes my body, keeps my whole body and essence young and happy. I only drink water and occasionally coconut water and herbal and ginger teas without any sugar. I eat a variety of wild plants, roots, seeds, fruits and very little animal products. I eat clean foods from all over the world, daily.

Skin Care

I have been blessed to receive a very soft, porcelain type of skin since I came to this world. I have only used and continue using one face lotion since I was in my late 30's. I do not use makeup base. I do not smoke or drink alcohol, and one of the main reasons I do not have a lot of wrinkles and blemishes on my face is because I avoid the direct sun rays on my face and body, at least during the peak hours of the day and during the Summer. 

Hair Care

I have always had, very fine, baby hair and I have tried different products and treatments through the years, and the older I get, the finer my hair grows. Next year I will take more of a drastic approach to restore my hair!!

And next, comes taking advantage of science and technology and the great advances in these two areas. 

When it comes to plastic surgery and asthetics this is my humble and personal opinion about it: I am a firm believer in taking advantage of what technology and science has to offer. 

Advances in these two areas is what allows many people to live longer and more productive lives and I also believe that once a person has done their part to age gracefully and to try to beat the odds and the law of gravity,  the second option of having any type of plastic surgery, will be the right option for that individual, if they so desire it.

I hope you have a great Labor Day weekend and get to enjoy the last days of Summer!!

-La Niña Internacional-

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