Building Cute Muscles!!


Check out my legs you guys!! I am so proud of myself and I am so grateful for the subtle and for the more noticeable changes. (When you do your best, your body truly does the rest!!) And my body is working with me to develop a little powerful machine!!

I have a couple of free weights and I also use my own body weights to work my body. My core and my arms, need to be toned up considerably, however, as long as I am building muscles in other areas of my body, those muscles will help me lose the weight in some other areas of my body.

My weight balance broke, and right now I am just going by how I look in the mirror and how my clothes are fitting me and that is how I keep track of my progress. (When I had my personal trainer, he had me weight myself and measure myself every week, and because my body weight flactuated (Some days I felt very chunky and others very bloated, and others very light) It was discouraging, to say the least, not seing a lot of the progress I was looking for.

Now, I don't measure myself everyweek, and I just try on different smaller outfits I had not been able to wear since I gained a few lbs back on December of last year, and eventhought I have more muscles now, I am also getting smaller and smaller every week.

Two guys gave me a cute complements the other day, on my amazing legs and coming from 2 body builders, that meant the world to me, specially the complement from the "hot" and handsome guy, with the very pretty green eyes.

So now I have to go, but I will be back soon with a very interesting topic: Guys!! And dating, a bit about romantic love, and yes, more and more about boys, which I love a lot!!!! 

And now that I grabbed your attention, with that last phrase, stayed tuned for that next blog post, and I hope you stay safe this Memorial Day weekend!!

-La Niña Internacional-


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